A Poem by Ruth Bell Graham

“The Growing Darkness Closes In” A poem by Ruth Bell Graham from “Sitting by My Laughing Fire”


Young Volunteers Rewarded by Library Experience

By Tiffany Jothen “They’re so lucky they get to come here!” That’s what Erin Fox thought the first time she visited the Billy Graham Library at Christmas time and saw people wearing Library shirts stationed throughout the building. She later found out that they’re volunteers. Then she heard that she could volunteer, too. “When, where, …


The Crusade Musicians

Billy Graham learned early in his ministry how important it was to have gifted musicians on the Crusade platform with him. In earlier months we shared how God led Billy to George Beverly Shea and Cliff Barrows and how invaluable they soon became in the Crusade meetings. Equally important were Tedd Smith in the early …


Staff Picks—Hope Unseen

Scotty Smiley’s book, “Hope Unseen” is this month’s staff pick. This excerpt from the book displays how Scotty’s faith was integral in bringing him through his recovery.


How do I teach my children to pray?

We all want to do what’s best for our children. But what happens who we don’t know where to start? When we’ve reached an impasse or don’t have the answers ourselves? Billy Graham speaks to a basic faith development moment in “My Answer.” Sometimes our little boy refuses to say his prayers. What should we …


Remembering Ruth Bell Graham

Last month we talked about Ruth’s early years, her growing up, and beginning school years in China. How she furthered her education in Korea, then at Wheaton College, and how God prepared her to eventually become the wife of Billy Graham. However, those who had the opportunity to meet her (or read some of her …