Staff Picks—Hope Unseen

August 30, 2013

Categories: Books and Gifts, Events

Climbing to the top of Mount Rainier, surfing in Hawaii, skiing in the Alps – all picturesque scenarios for a fun-loving, adventure-seeking athlete and outdoorsman. But these feats were all accomplished by Scotty Smiley after he became permanently blind in 2005.

Noted as being the Army’s first active-duty blind officer and company commander, Scotty Smiley will serve as the keynote speaker at the Billy Graham Library’s Men’s Breakfast on Saturday, Sept. 14.

Smiley’s book, Hope Unseen is this month’s staff pick. This excerpt from the book displays how Scotty’s faith was integral in bringing him through his recovery.


“I thought about Jesus. God’s own Son needed assistance at the toughest moments of His life. When Jesus fell under the weight of the cross, a man came out from the crowd and carried it for Him. Paul told the Philippians he could do all things, not by himself, but through Christ who strengthens. The me who could see was used to climbing mountains and thanking God for coming along. The me who could not see was totally dependent. ‘You need to trust Me, Scotty,’ I sensed God telling me ‘And you need to depend on others.’

I can do all things. There is nothing in the Bible that qualifies that statement, nothing that says I need eyes. It says only that I need Christ. It was a truth that my blindness was going to help me see. My confidence was being moved away from self—from my own ability to see and control—to a new hope, a hope unseen.”

Tickets are on sale now for the Men’s Breakfast at the Billy Graham Library. Learn more at


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