Billy Graham: The Fact of the Resurrection
Billy Graham’s words on the importance of the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Billy Graham’s words on the importance of the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Jesus’ last command was “go and make disciples of all nations…” Read what Billy Graham said about the significance of world evangelism.
“When it comes to spiritual things, my wife has had the greatest influence on my ministry,” Billy Graham proudly proclaimed. Read more about the most influential woman to impact the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association.
Is the Bible really the authentic Word of God to man? Does it have faults? Read 10 quotes from Billy Graham on the Bible.
We all want to live as long as we can. Someday, we will all be faced with the reality of death. Learn what Billy Graham says about eternity.
Are you thankful no matter what? Billy Graham offers a timeless message of hope this Thanksgiving and how to be thankful in all things.
More than 150 times the Bible calls us to give thanks. Hear from Billy Graham why it’s so important to be thankful.
The act of service is a precious gift that was demonstrated to us by our Lord Jesus Christ. Service is important. Billy Graham thought so too.
Billy Graham has long been considered a leader in the Christian community. As a result, there are a number of questions that he’s received from reporters and individuals alike – questions that many Christians enjoy discussing in church halls and around the table at Bible studies. Today on the blog, we bring you the answers to some of these questions. Enjoy, and please share with us some of your favorites.
In 1975 Billy Graham published a book entitled Angels: God’s Secret Agents. Needless to say, he had much to say about the topic of Angels.