Billy Graham: What is God Like?

Some see God as a harsh father, waiting to punish His children when they do something wrong. Others perceive God as unable to handle the evil on earth, or indifferent to the suffering caused by it. God’s love is unchangeable; He knows exactly what we are and loves us anyway.


Billy and Ruth: A Love Story Begins

“It was early fall in 1940 when William Franklin Graham arrived on campus via the Wheaton College Student Trucking Service, run by Johnny Streater…” Read more from Ruth Bell Graham as she shares about her early courtship with Billy Graham.


Bear One Another’s Burdens

It’s so easy to give to a charity or a ministry and feel good about it. It’s not so easy to provide the personal charity. It’s easier to give to someone overseas than it is to take a casserole next door. May God give us the sensitivity to recognize the needs of those around us and lend a helping hand.