Elvis, SpongeBob and James Brown at The Library?

On a busy night in December, about 800 people will take a horse-drawn carriage ride around the Billy Graham Library. They take one of 10 Victorian-style carriages pulled by horses with names like Elvis, SpongeBob and James Brown.


Christmas at The Library – It’s Finally Here!

Each year when Christmas at the Library ends, we begin preparing for the following year. So, to say we have been looking forward to this day for a long time is an understatement. As you look forward to celebrating this special time of year and perhaps joining us one evening at Christmas at the Library, here are a few things to help you prepare. These are especially handy tips for our friends who will join us for the first time.


Christmas at The Library Preview

It’s almost here! Christmas at The Library begins on Dec. 1 and runs through Dec. 22. A number of things many of you have enjoyed in previous years will be available again this year, but there are some new things as well.