Hope for Each Day – Win a Copy of Billy Graham’s Devotional Book

February 22, 2013

Categories: Books and Gifts

As the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association is preparing for its nationwide evangelistic campaign called My Hope America with Billy Graham, the popular devotional book Hope for Each Day by Billy Graham has been re-released. It now incorporates useful information and key prayer requests related to the My Hope project. You can win your very own copy of this beloved classic, just by commenting on this blog post. A winner will be selected at random.

This devotional is designed to uplift and encourage you daily. At the same time, it will challenge you to live more fully for Christ and offer that hope that comes in a relationship with Him to those around you.

Here’s a taste of the uplifting devotions from Billy Graham in this book. This is excerpted from the February 22 entry.

The ugly larva in its cocoon spends sometimes many months in almost unnoticeable growth and change. But no matter how great that growth may be, there comes a moment when the little creature passes through a crisis and emerges a beautiful butterfly. The weeks of silent growth are important, but they cannot take the place of that event when the old and the ugly are left behind, and the new and the beautiful come into being.

That moment comes when we put our faith in certain objective facts – in the work of Christ, His cross, His tomb, and His resurrection. Praise God for calling you to this life-giving faith!

“But to all who did accept him and believe in him he have the right to become children of God.”
John 1:12

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