The Archive Collection


George Beverly Shea: The Early Years

“And now, before Mr. Graham brings tonight’s message, here is America’s beloved Gospel singer, George Beverly Shea to sing for you.” For more than 60 years of ministry that’s how …


Cliff Barrows: The Early Years

This month Cliff Barrows celebrates his 90th birthday! As we mentioned in the March email, Cliff was one of the first team members to join with Billy Graham to form …


The Early Years and First Team Members

In his biography Billy Graham, Evangelist to the World, John Pollock asked Mr. Graham about the early years of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. Mr. Graham responded, “It has been …


Reaching Out to Others For Counsel

While Billy Graham’s enduring devotion to God gave him his boundless drive, he realized the Lord placed individuals in his path to provide crucial support to the ministry. Their loyalty …


Billy Graham On The Front Lines

Whenever the opportunity became available, Billy Graham made every effort to visit and minister to the troops at military installations and on the front lines. After World War II, Mr. …


Billy Graham, A Friend To All Who Sought Him

For the last two months we shared from our Archival Collection how Billy Graham became an Ambassador to World Leaders. In September we shared how Billy met and ministered to …


Ambassador to World Leaders (Part 2)

Since World War II, Billy Graham has had the opportunity to meet with all twelve presidents, some of them several times. God has given him the privilege as well to …


When Billy Graham Found Christ

These are items which are not displayed in our permanent exhibit but are offered here for online viewing. Have you ever wondered how Billy Graham surrendered his life to Jesus …


1952 Washington D.C. Meeting

These are items which are not displayed in our permanent exhibit but are offered here for online viewing. A historic meeting was held during the Washington, D.C. Crusade that took …