Ruth Graham’s childhood in China
Ruth Bell Graham was born in China in 1920, where her parents, Dr. and Mrs. L. Nelson Bell, were medical missionaries at a hospital north of Shanghai.
Ruth Bell Graham was born in China in 1920, where her parents, Dr. and Mrs. L. Nelson Bell, were medical missionaries at a hospital north of Shanghai.
“I Awoke to a World” from Legacy of a Pack Rat by Ruth Bell Graham (Oliver-Nelson Books, 1989)
“Always there will be a Gift, always a Tree!”
Ruth Bell Graham from Sitting by My Laughing Fire Those were no ordinary sheep* no common flocks, huddled in sleep among the fields, the layered rocks, near Bethlehem That …
Four times in the Gospel accounts of Christmas the angels used the expression, “Fear not.”
The Christian world remembers – however confusedly, however commercially – that this is the Advent season, a time for joyous giving.
Christmas traditions are carried from each generation to the next. As we count down the days until Dec. 25, we take a look at some of the customs the Billy and Ruth have shared in countless stories throughout the years as their favorite Christmas traditions
Christmas traditions are carried from each generation to the next. As we count down the days until Dec. 25, we take a look at some of the customs the Billy and Ruth have shared in countless stories throughout the years as their favorite Christmas traditions
“The Growing Darkness Closes In” A poem by Ruth Bell Graham from “Sitting by My Laughing Fire”
“I awoke heavy . . .” ~a poem from “Sitting by My Laughing Fire” by Ruth Bell Graham