In His Own Words: Billy Graham’s Favorites

There are a number of questions that Billy Graham has received from reporters and individuals alike. Today on the blog, we bring you the answers to some of these questions. Enjoy, and please share with us some of your favorites.


Crusade City Spotlight: New York, NY

Billy Graham, prior to his monumental Crusade in New York City in 1957, said that “no other city in America – perhaps in the world – presented as great a challenge to evangelism.” But, at the same time, the team recognized the tremendous opportunity to reaching that city with the Gospel. Take a look with us now as we shine the “Crusade City Spotlight” on the Big Apple.


In His Own Words: Billy Graham on Living the Christian Life

As the calendar turns to a new year, much time is being spent talking about “New Year’s Resolutions.” Maybe your focus is on being more physically fit. But, what about spiritual fitness? Here are some quotes from Billy Graham that we hope will inspire you in 2013.


Blogging Year in Review: 6 Most Popular Posts from 2012

As we near the end of the year, we are taking a look back at a few of the most popular posts from 2012. These posts were the most read, shared and commented-on posts of the year. These are the 6 most popular posts of the past year.


In His Own Words: Billy Graham on Thankfulness

While “thanksgiving” celebrations date back to the 1600s, it wasn’t until 1863 during the Civil War that Abraham Lincoln proclaimed that a national Thanksgiving Day would be held each November. As you observe this special time of year, here are some thoughts from Billy Graham on the topic of thankfulness.


Service, Sacrifice and Freedom

In this classic message, Billy Graham challenges Christians to be committed to Jesus Christ no matter the sacrifice: “Let some veterans show you the scars that they have received in battle, and you will realize how much suffering, heartache and blood our freedoms have cost.”


Happy Birthday, Billy Graham!

This week, Billy Graham celebrated his 94th birthday! Many visitors stopped by the Library to sign a special birthday banner. Those well-wishes will be shared with Mr. Graham at his home in Montreat, NC.