Meet the Team: Ruth Bell Graham

August 4, 2019

Categories: Ruth Bell Graham

Ruth Graham wasn’t just Billy Graham’s wife and the mother of his children. She was his confidant, adviser, and according to Billy, “the greatest Christian” he had ever known.

She was also a writer and poet in her own right, encouraging and teaching other women and mothers.

>> Read Ruth’s poems.

Our archive feature this month is a large trophy on a wood base given to Ruth Graham as an award for the 1984 Christian Woman of the Year.

The lettering on the base reads:

“1984 Christian Woman of the Year, Mrs. Billy (Ruth) Graham”

It also quotes the NASB version of 1 Thessalonians 3:9 that states, “For what thanks can we render to God for you in return for all the joy with which we rejoice before our God on your account?”

Ruth Bell Graham was a steady rock to Mr. Graham throughout his life and ministry. She lived a life worth honoring, and her humble spirit was inspiring.

Read 10 quotes by Billy about his beautiful bride. 

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