At the Foot of the Cross

March 23, 2012

Categories: Guest Post

By Joy Allmond

Patti Allois, her mother and her brother, Dr. Michael Moreland from Virginia, gathered in Charlotte for Thanksgiving to visit her son. Days before, Moreland informed the family that he had pancreatic cancer.

“My brother Mike was a successful doctor and Rotary man in Virginia. He was well known in his field and throughout the world for his humanity works,” said Allois. “Life kept him too busy to kneel before God – until his visit to the Billy Graham Library!”

The family was surprised that Moreland agreed to visit the Billy Graham Library with them. As he entered the doors, he sat with tears in his eyes.

“He tried to wipe his tears so no one would notice. Mike could not push his wheelchair fast enough to get to the next exhibit. I had never seen this side of him,” said Allois. “I could never speak the Word of God to Mike. We never prayed together. He had no time for religion or God in his life.”

Allois watched silently as God worked in her brother. They were greeted by Pastor Fleet Kilpatrick as they passed through the last exhibit. He asked if anyone would like to talk about what they had just experienced through the exhibits.

Moreland immediately responded. He told Pastor Fleet that he had recently been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, and they found a quiet place for an hour.

Kilpatrick and Moreland finished their talk. They approached his mother and Pastor Fleet said, “Your son has something to tell you.” Mike said, ‘Mother, I have accepted Jesus into my heart.”

He then told his sister that this is the greatest gift she could have given him – a trip to the Billy Graham Library.

Morehead died two months later on January 21, 2009.

“Before he went to meet the Lord, he gave his testimony to everyone with whom he came in contact,” remembered Allois. “Thank you Billy Graham, Franklin Graham and Pastor Fleet. Thank you for bringing my brother to the Lord. I am eternally grateful!”

Click here to watch Michael’s story, along with the stories of others whose lives have been changed at the Library.

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