The Power of Christ in the Home: Being a Good Mother
June 6, 2016
Categories: Billy Graham
Through June 30, guests to the Billy Graham Library will have the opportunity to see a special display called “The Power of Christ in the Home.” Through the display featured in the Journey of Faith, visitors can gain insights and timeless truth from what the Bible says about parenting, including an intimate look into Billy and Ruth Graham’s Christ-centered home and see personal memorabilia, a family Bible, rare photographs and more. Each week we will also feature a special insight from Billy or Ruth about making Christ the center of your home.
How can you be the mother God intended you to be? Prayerfully care for your children, and ask the Lord this very question. We will be blindly leading our children until we ask God how He wants us to care for them. This involves reading scripture and learning from godly women such as Sarah, Rebekah, Hannah, Elizabeth and Mary–Jesus’ mother. After Mr. Graham prayed about this topic and spent time reading scripture, he offered three very necessary steps to take.
“First, love your children — and let them know you love them. They are a responsibility God has entrusted to you and your husband, but they also are a God-given gift, to be loved, treasured and enjoyed. One of the ways you love them is by teaching them about life. The Bible says, ‘My son… do not forsake your mother’s teaching’ (Proverbs 6:20).
Then don’t be afraid to say ‘No’ when your children do wrong, and to back it up with appropriate discipline (but not in anger). Be sure you and your husband agree, however; children are very adept at playing off one parent against the other! Always letting a child have his or her own way may seem like the loving thing to do at the time, but in reality it’s a sure recipe for problems later on.
Finally, put Christ at the center of your family — and your life. Read the Bible and pray with your children; help them realize why church is important; let them see Christ in your relationship with each other.”
excerpt from Billy Graham’s My Answers