The BGEA Today

September 23, 2013

BG LA 1949 Street Scene-72dpiAfter several successful city-wide evangelistic Campaigns in the late 1940s, the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association was incorporated in September 1950. Today, more than 60 years later, Billy Graham, Franklin Graham and Will Graham have held outreach events around the world. The association also continues to uphold its original mission, “proclaiming the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ to all we can by every effective means possible.”

The Billy Graham Library, known as an ongoing Crusade, is just one of the ministries of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association that continues to bring evangelistic crusades alive. Here is a snapshot of just a few ways that the BGEA continues today:

  • The Internet evangelism resource, and, are continuing Mr. Graham’s legacy by reaching nearly 30,000 people online each day.
  • Through My Hope America with Billy Graham, Christians across America will open their homes this November to share the Gospel message using evangelistic programs featuring life-changing testimonies and powerful messages from Billy Graham.
  • The Billy Graham Rapid Response Team network of crisis-trained chaplains responds to the spiritual and emotional needs of disaster victims and people affected by crisis through the message of the Gospel.

We will be sharing more about the ministries of the BGEA over the next few months. To find out about these ministries and others, visit

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