A Poem by Ruth Bell Graham – “I Am a Primitive”

September 29, 2014

Categories: Ruth Bell Graham

2014-0929 I am Primative


7502_Legacy of a Pack Rat_smallLegacy of a Pack Rat by Ruth Bell Graham

Enjoy the classic book from Ruth Bell Graham filled with stories, poems and personal reflections that will make you laugh and cry.

“And so it went. For years. And the wonderful old attic continued to accept contributions graciously, endlessly, never complaining. A trunk going back to my childhood in China … Newspaper clippings of the fall of Shanghai to the Japanese in 1937 … High school in Korea, old love letters from Bill, boxes of photographs … My old wedding dress (the veil was used to trim four bassinets; when Ned, the fifth, arrived he had to make do with a cradle) … Enough old luggage to start a used luggage shop … A veritable treasure trove of disorganized surprises.”


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