Many ladies at the tea were sure to capture the memories that were being made.There were many smiling faces as women of all ages poured into the BGEA dining hall for the seventh annual Ladies' Tea and Tour, hosted by The Billy Graham Library.These tables were carefully and beautifully set for nearly 200 women who came for the tea.The food, decor, conversation and inspirational messages keep women coming back to the tea year after year.Local gospel group Serenity ministered to the ladies through popular worship songs like "Mighty to Save" and "Here I Am to Worship."Serenity group member Tameka Thomas spoke encouragement to the guests between songs.Aileen Coleman spoke with animation as she described her work among the Bedouin tribes.Each woman left the tea with a bottle of olive oil made from the olive groves at the Annoor Sanatorium, where Aileen Coleman has worked for 50 years.After the tea, many of the women stayed on the grounds and toured The Billy Graham Library.