Franklin Graham thanked the riders for their participation and encouraged them to pray for the children who will receive the shoeboxes. He then spent a few minutes telling the crowd about his upcoming Decision America Tour, and urged them to get involved.It was a chilly morning in the Charlotte region, and we are thankful that so many braved the cold to deliver their Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes to the Billy Graham Library.We were very glad to see some young riders join us for the 8th annual Bikers with Boxes.Some of the area's finest from the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department and the Mecklenburg County Sherriff's Department showed up at Bikers with Boxes.This bike is already decked out for Christmas.The vast sea of motorcycles took up the entire main parking lot and overflowed into other lots on our property. We are thankful for the strong number who showed up to bring hope to children.A Rapid Response Team chaplain took the time to pray with some riders in front of the Mobile Ministry Center.Franklin Graham came to speak to the crowd for a few minutes. But before he did that, he shook some hands and even took a few selfies with some of the riders.Yves Dushime, who received a shoebox as a child in Rwanda, shares his story with the bikers.More than 1,300 riders came to bring hope to children around the world through the 4,500-plus shoeboxes they delivered to the Billy Graham Library.Dennis Agajanian, who has played at Franklin Graham Festivals for decades, entertained the crowd before Franklin took the stage to greet them.Many of the riders took the time to tour the Billy Graham Library after lunch.