A father and his young son hang on every word that Dr. Dobson says to them.As authors and speakers, the Dobsons were very glad to spend their Valentine's Day greeting fans and signing their latest books for them: "Your Legacy: The Greatest Gift" by Dr. Dobson and "Welcome to Our Table" by Shirley and Danae Dobson.The crowd was fixed on James and Shirley Dobson as they opened their time at the Library with a few remarks.A cold wind blew outside, but thankfully, there was a warm place inside for Library guests to wait their turn to meet Dr. and Mrs. Dobson.Billy Graham Library Vice President Tom Phillips offered the visitors a warm welcome before the book signing began.Many young families like this one celebrated love and legacy at the Library on Valentine's Day.You can never start building your spiritual legacy too early. Dr. Dobson said parents' first priority is to introduce their children to Christ.Shannon Fox began the type of legacy Dr. Dobson wrote about in his latest book: he's beginning a new chapter rooted in the Gospel. Fox proposed to his girlfriend, Jessica Guerry, in the final section of the Library's Journey of Faith tour.