Remembering Ruth Bell Graham | Gigi Graham
June 7, 2020
Categories: Ruth Bell Graham
Following her death in 2007, Ruth Graham’s children shared memories of their mother with the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. Today we are sharing reflections from Billy and Ruth’s eldest daughter, Virginia, known better as Gigi.
Reliance on Jesus
Mother stood waiting outside the doorway.
The suitcases were packed and ready to be loaded into the car. We children ran around on the driveway, laughing and playing while we waited for Daddy. Suddenly his tall, handsome figure appeared in the doorway, his overcoat slung over one arm, his hat on his head. We ran to him, dreading what we knew would be another long separation. He took each of us in his strong arms, held us tightly, and then kissed us goodbye.
I couldn’t bear to look into his eyes because I knew that they would be glistening with tears. Though there were many such goodbyes while we were growing up, it never got easier. We would back away and watch as Daddy took Mother in his arms, kissing her warmly and firmly, knowing it would be some time before he would hold her again.
Then Daddy was whisked away in the car, around the curves, and down the steep mountain drive. We listened to the retreating sound of the engine and waited for the final “toot” of the horn as he reached the gate. Another plane to catch, another city, another Crusade, another period of weeks before we would be together as a family once more.
I turned to look at Mother, sensing her feeling of loss and loneliness. Her eyes were bright with unshed tears, but there was a beautiful smile on her face as she said, “OK, let’s clean the attic! Then we’ll have Lao Niang and Lao I up for supper!” (That’s Chinese for maternal grandmother and grandfather.)
Not once did my mother make us feel that by staying behind she was sacrificing her life for us children. By her sweet, positive example, her consistently unselfish spirit, and her total reliance upon the Person of Jesus Christ, we were kept from becoming bitter or resentful. Instead, we learned to look for ways to keep busy and prepare for Daddy’s homecoming.
—Gigi Graham, Ruth’s daughter