Remembering Ruth Bell Graham

June 8, 2022

Categories: Ruth Bell Graham

102 years ago, on June 10, 1920, Ruth McCue Bell was born in China where her parents were serving as medical missionaries.

Billy Graham once said, “Many ask me, ‘Who is the greatest Christian I’ve ever known?’ I always answer, ‘Ruth.’ She’s the greatest Christian I’ve ever known.”

Read more of what Billy Graham said about his love for his beloved wife, Ruth:

“I asked God that He would give me a Christian wife who would be my partner in Christian work. I said, ‘O God, lead me to the right girl.’ I heard about this girl from China who got up every morning to pray. She prayed two hours every morning on her knees. I said, ‘I would like to meet her.’ One day I saw her. I thought she was the most beautiful person I’d ever seen because Christ was in her heart and you could see it in her face.”

“If ever there was a woman that walked with God, she does. She’s positive about everything. If she was being led into the grave today she’d say, ‘Wonderful.'”

“She’s been a marvelous person to … raise five children and 19 grandchildren. She’s been the one that has done the work and kept up with them and talked to them and loved them and taught them the Scriptures and so forth. She let me travel all over the world preaching the Gospel and I think if there is any secret in our marriage it’s Ruth. There are very few women that I’ve ever known like her.”

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