The Archive Collection

A Collection of Ruth Bell Graham Artifacts

June 13, 2018

With a 60 year ministry comes historic and memorable artifacts. For the remainder of this year, we will feature a monthly collection of artifacts from our archives. This month we are featuring multiple items from Ruth Bell Graham’s life.

Bible Flashcards

Ruth Bell Graham used to play “20 Questions” with her children as they were growing up. It was a fun way to teach them Bible facts. Here is a set of 81 handwritten flashcards she used.

Samples of her cards read:
“On what mt. did Jesus ascend up to heaven?”
“What prophet performed twice as many miracles as Elijah?”
“What did John the Baptist eat in the desert?”

2002 — Gold Medallion Book Award

This Gold Medallion Book Award was presented to Ruth Bell Graham in 2002 for her autobiography titled “Footprints of a Pilgrim.”

1998 — Key to the City of Waynesboro

This plaque was presented by the citizens of her “true hometown” to Ruth Bell Graham on Ruth Bell Graham Day in Waynesboro, May 2, 1998. The plaque reads: “Key to the City of Waynesboro, Virginia,” and the key is engraved with the words, “Waynesboro, Virginia.”

2007 — Reflection Magazine

“Reflection” was a magazine for alumni and friends of Montreat College. This was the the fall 2007 issue that featured the life and death of Ruth Bell Graham.

For more from the Archive Collection, visit here.

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