With a 60 year ministry comes historic and memorable artifacts. For the remainder of this year, we are featuring a monthly collection of artifacts from our archives. This month we are featuring multiple items that give a little glimpse into the love Billy and Ruth had for each other.
Postcard from Billy to Ruth
Billy Graham sent Ruth Bell Graham this postcard during travel to Newfoundland in 1946. The postcard reads: “My Darling, You are constantly on my mind… We were forced down here last night… Snowing – but a lonely place. Chuck is sick with flu. Hope to be in England tonight… I’m feeling fine… Lots of rest… Had a Y.F.C. here last night with 250 present… Love Bill”
Ruth Bell Graham Sketches
Left and Middle: Ruth Bell Graham’s sketched many dresses, including her wedding dress. Right: Ruth sketched her husband and signed it July 13, ’79.
Valentine’s Day Card
Billy Graham sent his wife, Ruth Bell Graham, this Valentine’s Day card and signed it “Lovingly, Bill.”