10 Quotes from Billy Graham on Traveling

June 13, 2019

Billy Graham preached the good news of God’s love to nearly 215 million people in more than 185 countries and territories. He took Christ literally when He said in Mark 16:15, “Go ye into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature.”

See what Mr. Graham had to say about traveling the world: 

“Over the years, I’ve visited dozens of impoverished parts of the world, and I’ve always been struck by their hardships and their lack of resources. But I’ve also been touched by how little it often takes to make a deep and lasting difference in someone’s life.”

“Many of them have never seen the hardships and poverty that millions face every day, and witnessing it firsthand could be a life-changing experience for them. Remember: Christ gave His life for ‘persons from every tribe and language and people and nation’ (Revelation 5:9).”

“I have noticed, though, in my travels the closer I get to the frontiers of the Christian faith the more faith in angels I find among believers.”

“Ask God to help you see the world the way He sees it.”

“Everywhere I travel, I find young people who are asking: What is truth? Who says so? What is right and what is wrong? Is there a final authority? Yes! There is an authority! There is a moral law! It has been exemplified in a real Person…His name is Jesus Christ. He was born into a world as jumbled and riddled with injustice as yours, but He changed it by changing people.”

“Pray that God will raise up a new generation of evangelists and missionaries. Pray too that God will make you a witness for Christ right where you are. Jesus’ words are still true: ‘The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few’ (Matthew 9:37).”

“His command to reach the whole world with the Gospel has never been withdrawn, nor has it been completed. Jesus said, ‘Therefore go and make disciples of all nations’ (Matthew 28:19).”

“God may also want to open your eyes to the needs of the world. Most people today have very little, compared with what we have; many, in fact, face hunger and disease almost daily. Do we care? Many also do not know Christ, and have never had an opportunity to hear of His love.”

“I’m grateful for every new way God has given us to spread the Gospel, including the Internet, and it’s actually happening… Never forget: God’s love extends to people of all races, all nations, all tribes and all languages. One of the advantages of the Internet is that it crosses borders that may be closed to missionaries. But many countries are still open, and Christ’s command has never been withdrawn: “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation” (Mark 16:15).”

“Wherever I went, throughout Latin America, I met missionaries I had known in other times and place…and those encounters gave me a whole new appreciation of what the missionaries were doing (and what they were up against).”

 Get your copy of Billy Graham in Quotes here.

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