Law Enforcement Officers Renew Focus at Appreciation Breakfast & Library Tour
Encouraging officers in the daily grind.
Encouraging officers in the daily grind.
Peter Hitchens details his personal journey of philosophical curiosity and intellectual honesty of how he left the faith but dramatically returned.
On August 13, 1943, Billy Graham married Ruth McCue Bell in the Gaither Chapel in Montreat, N.C. Ruth wrote this poem / prayer about her impending marriage: Various mementos from …
How do you express remorse? In the Bible people would often tear their clothes to pieces. For example, people would often tear their clothes after hearing that a loved one …
“Christianity is Good News. . . . When we open up the Bible it is Good News from cover to cover. It’s the Good News that God loves us.” –Billy …
We don’t always know why God allows bad things to happen to us (or to anyone else, for that matter). Someday, in heaven, we’ll understand, but now we often don’t.
Billy Graham wasn’t always excited about school. But one decision changed all that.
Billy Graham’s friend and fellow evangelist, Chuck Colson, lived an unusual yet impactful life. He accepted Christ in 1973 and then was put in prison in 1974 for obstruction of …