The Archive Collection

An Appreciation Plaque from Kyung Chik Han

October 4, 2019

Billy Graham had a desire to minister to people in Communist-governed countries, as demonstrated by his efforts behind the Iron Curtain. In 1992 and 1994, Billy traveled to Pyongyang, North Korea, the same city where his wife, Ruth, attended high school, in order to tell others about Christ.

In his autobiography, Just As I Am, Billy recounts the speech he made at the welcoming ceremony: “I do not come as an emissary of my government or my nation, but as a citizen of the Kingdom of God. As Christ’s ambassador, I have come first of all to visit the Christian community here—to have fellowship with my brothers and sisters in Christ, to pray and to worship with them, and to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ in your churches.”

Our archive feature this month is a plaque in a hinged wooden display box given to Billy Graham in 1994 by Kyung Chik Han, chairman of the Council for the 100th Anniversary of the Korean Church, in appreciation for Billy Graham’s visits to North Korea.

See more from the archive collection.

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