Dear Volunteer Applicant:
Thank you for your interest in serving with the Volunteer Ministry of the Billy Graham Library. It is our sincere desire to place those who God has called to this ministry in a position that will utilize their gifts and strengths as they grow in Christ while at the same time advancing the Library’s vision.
Our volunteers are a critical component of our ongoing crusade to demonstrate God’s love to whoever walks through the Library doors. Whether during the busyness of the Christmas season or a peaceful Southern summer, our ministry relies upon the faithfulness of our volunteers. We couldn’t do it without them.
We are praying alongside you as you consider proceeding with this application process. Please ask God to give you clear direction for your involvement and simply fill out the application if you feel led. Upon receipt and review of your application and references, we will contact you.
Thank you again for your interest in serving with this ministry. May you continue to experience the joy and blessing of the Lord Jesus Christ and His calling for your life.
We’re not accepting Special Events Volunteer applications at this time.