The Archive Collection

The Hour Of Decision

November 1, 2013

This month of November marks the 63rd anniversary of the Hour of Decision. The first broadcast was on November 5, 1950 over the American Broadcasting Company network from Atlanta, Georgia. It was carried live on over 150 stations from coast to coast. The 30-minute weekly program was hosted by Cliff Barrows, with Bible reading, special music and a message from Billy Graham.

Now, years later, the Hour of Decision has changed very little and is heard on hundreds of radio stations worldwide. The weekly broadcast is edited and translated into other languages for foreign broadcast.

Listener response to the broadcast has been remarkable coming from countries all over the world. Many have responded to the messages giving their hearts to the Lord, and many more have indicated a deeper spiritual commitment because of the encouragement they received listening to the broadcasts. Seeking to keep his messages Biblically based, yet responding to contemporary events in North America and around the world, required Billy to spend hours in the Word and in prayer each week. His sermons are now drawn from previous crusades and broadcasts but still relate to the events happening throughout the world today.

People are looking for biblical answers” Billy often said. “In more than fifty years of ministry and after much research and conversation with psychiatrists and psychologists, I have yet to discover a source of practical advice and hope that compares to the wisdom found in the Bible.

The remarkable story of how the Hour of Decision began is told well by Mr. Graham in his book, “Just As I Am.



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