The 9th annual Teddy Bear Tea was a sold out event with 241 children attending this year. All enjoyed a wonderful afternoon that included delicious treats and Bethlehem-themed décor, as well as their own stuffed camel. The children enjoyed an interactive program that told the story of Christ’s birth and joined in the singing of Christmas carols.
The 9th annual Teddy Bear Tea at the Billy Graham Library brought smiles to the faces of nearly 250 children and their parents as they celebrated Christ's birth early on Dec. 3. No matter what your age, you can celebrate Christmas at the Library, too, now through Dec. 23. Children sharing in a Christmas story by the tree while waiting for the 9th annual Teddy Bear Tea to begin.These children can't hide their joy as they hurry down the long hall to the tea.Volunteers provided different nativity scenes that adorned every table.Each child received their own keepsake plush camel. Children's entertainer Ted Loring dressed as a shepherd to help tell the Christmas story and the gift God gave us through His Son, Jesus Christ.Hundreds of children take up nearly every seat in the dining room of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, right behind the Billy Graham Library. It was standing room only for their parents.The kids helped point out important items around the room as part of a skit.Children enjoyed the goodies but left with the best gift—knowing about God's love for them. Would you like to share God's love with someone? Bring them to Christmas at the Library. These two look older than their years as they chat and enjoy hot chocolate, cupcakes, Rice Krispies treats and fruit."Let the children come to me; do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God." —Mark 10:14Intrigued by her stuffed camel, a gift given to all the children to remember the special day.There were a lot of little girls at the tea but this little guy also had fun!The stuffed camels were actively involved in the festivities.All dressed up for their big day out.Posing with their stuffed camels in front of a beautiful Christmas tree, decorated with crosses and bells.Petting a sheep at the Christmas at the Library nativity scene. All the kids - human and goats - took a few minutes to get acquainted.
To learn more about the Teddy Bear Tea, and other special events held throughout the year at the Billy Graham Library, visit