Nearly 50 pastors representing seven countries—Venezuela, Guatemala, Colombia, St. Lucia, Trinidad, Nigeria and the U.S.—gathered at the Library, where they were encouraged in their ministry and prayed for each other.Grabbing some pastries before gathering around the Graham Brothers Dairy Bar for a short program.Mixing and mingling. Pastors were happy to arrive at the Library before it opened to the public to spend time with each other and talk about their ministries.Filling the Graham Brothers Dairy Bar during an encouraging devotional.Some pastors brought their spouses to the event—the first of its kind for the Library. Many took the Library’s Journey of Faith tour afterwards, a tour that chronicles Mr. Graham’s decades of ministry and how God used him to spread the Gospel.Pastoring is often a 24/7 job. Many pastors thanked Library staff and volunteers for the warm welcome, and for the opportunity to spend some time renewing their faith and lifting each other up.Many pastors took the Library's Journey of Faith tour after the event.A Library staff member led a devotional on the responsibilities of being a messenger of the Gospel. Several pastors said they were encouraged by the message.