My Hope – A Crusade in Your Living Room
October 7, 2013
Categories: Billy Graham
My Hope has been used across the globe in a variety of venues—churches, outdoors in courtyards, and even in coffee shops—but we have found that a personal testimony is shared most effectively right inside a living room.
Our homes are where we are most real. When you invite someone into that place, they too feel more at ease and open to hearing you and responding. Connections made with others in a home setting are a bit more honest, more free and genuine.
Even resistant people seem more receptive to talking about and accepting Jesus in the intimacy of a home setting. During My Hope in Dominican Republic, a woman invited neighbors to her home to watch the My Hope program. One of the neighbors had been very resistant to the Gospel message so she did not invite her on this particular occasion. When the resistant neighbor learned of the fellow neighbors getting together, she showed up to watch the DVD uninvited! That happened to be the night she heard a personal testimony of faith in Jesus Christ and she gave her life to Him.
Your home is not the only setting where you can share your hope in a living savior, but it has proven very effective—and it’s biblical too.
God has the power to do exciting and even unexpected things in YOUR living room through My Hope America with Billy Graham. It is not too late to open your home and invite unbelievers to watch a My Hope America program. For more information on how you can still do this in November, click here.
My Hope America with Billy Graham is a nationwide effort to reach people across the United States with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Following a simple biblical model, My Hope America with Billy Graham combines the impact of video programs with the power of personal relationships. Christians across America will open their homes this November to share the Gospel message with friends, family, colleagues, and neighbors using one of several new evangelistic programs featuring life-changing testimonies & powerful messages from Billy Graham.