A simple prayer, a Scripture that has meant something to you, these can be a great comfort to a hurting person. The Word of God is where we “find grace to help us in our time of need” (Hebrews 4:16).
Rather than giving personal advice, how much better would it be for Christians to share God’s loving promises. It is a comfort to hear the words of God in times of stress. If you have problems, remembering proper verses, there are some fine little booklets that you can carry in your pocket or purse which give verses for may different situations.
I remember a time in my late teens when I had a case of “puppy love,” which was very real to the “puppy.” We were even talking about marriage, although we were both much too young. However, she felt the Lord was leading her to another young man who was one of my best friends. I felt like my heart would break, so I went to a clergyman friend of mine for help. He turned to 2 Corinthians 1:3-4, 6. The passage not only tells us we are comforted in our trials, but that our trials can equip us to comfort others. I was comforted by those words of the Apostle Paul, just as many others have been. The Lord knew that young romance was not His will for my life, and that I would find in Ruth the perfect wife for me.