In His Own Words – Billy Graham on My Hope America
October 25, 2013
Categories: Billy Graham, In His Own Words
Categories: Billy Graham, In His Own Words
In just two weeks, individuals and more than 25,000 churches from across the country who have signed up to participate in My Hope America with Billy Graham will join with their neighbors, friends, family and colleagues to watch Billy Graham’s Gospel presentation through “The Cross.”
In a recent letter, Billy Graham shared the following thoughts about My Hope and his burden for America.
At my age, there are a lot of things that health and strength no longer permit me to do. But there are still many things I can do, and one of them is pray. I’ve been praying fervently that we might have a fresh spiritual awakening in America.
If ever there was a time this country needed the intervention of God, it is now. We can and should pray for America as a whole, but remember that when God sets out to change a nation, He begins by changing people. It starts with individuals.
Who do you know—loved ones, friends, co-workers—who need to understand and experience the life-changing power of the Gospel? Are you praying faithfully for them, right now, specific people you long to see transformed now and for eternity?
A Christian may feel unsure, at times, of how best to do that. God understands. The Bible says that “we do not know how to pray as we should, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us” (Romans 8:26, NASB). That means that when we intentionally and faithfully lift the names of our lost friends and loved ones to the throne room of Heaven, it is the Holy Spirit who is pleading, mourning, and praying through us. In this way we become actual partners with God—“workers together with Him” (2 Corinthians 6:1, NKJV)—and our efforts are raised from the low plane of doubt and hesitancy to the high plane of creativeness with God.
As a co-laborer with God, you need not be anxious about how to make it all work. You cannot draw anyone to Christ, but God can. “For thus says the Lord God: ‘Indeed I Myself will search for My sheep and seek them out’” (Ezekiel 34:11). Ask Him to do that.
The more I pray, the more deeply I feel that My Hope America is the right outreach for this country today.
We ask for your prayers and participation so that the hope of the Gospel can touch not only people across the nation, but people you personally know and care about. The Bible says, “Let him who thirsts come. Whoever desires, let him take the water of life freely” (Revelation 22:17). Join me in asking God to give people that thirst.
Watch the trailer for “The Cross”
Check TV listings for “The Cross” broadcast times