In His Own Words – Getting it All Together
November 9, 2016
Categories: Billy Graham, In His Own Words
Categories: Billy Graham, In His Own Words
Who can “get it all together”? Who can bring “togetherness”—universal peace and harmony? The answer is Jesus Christ.
After the Great Tribulation during which judgement after judgement will pour down upon a human race whose heart is getting harder and harder toward God, the Bible teaches that the armies of the world will be gathered at Armageddon. Then, as the human race is about to destroy itself in one final conflict, Jesus Christ will return and “get it all together.”
For the Christian, all is not hopeless unless his affections are centered on the things of this world. If you have been living a life dedicated to God, laying up your treasures in heaven with your affection given to things above, then you have no cause for despair and discouragement. Christians may be approaching our finest hour! After hearing a clergyman preach in the Second Coming of Christ, Queen Victoria once said, “I wish He would come during my lifetime so that I could take my crown and lay it at His feet.”
What a moment to take the newspaper in one hand and the Bible in the other and watch the unfolding of the great drama of the ages.
To the Christian, the return of Christ will be a glorious moment. To those outside of Christ it will be the greatest of calamities, a tragic separation, an unbelievable disappointment. It will be hell. But to those who are ready, what a glorious consummation.
In describing the future of Christians, the Apostle Paul once said: “Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love Him” (1 Corinthians 2:9). What are these wonders? We do not know. our human capacity for understanding is too limited.
A new world is coming! Each time we pray the Lord’s Prayer, we pray, “Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” That prayer will be answered. Heaven is described as a new creation in which we shall move in new bodies, possessed of new names, singing new songs, living in a new city, governed by a new form of government, and challenged by new prospects of eternity with social justice for all. The paradise that man lost will be regained, but it will be much more.
from “The Jesus Generation” by Billy Graham (1971)