Free Downloads
May 9, 2016
Categories: Downloads
Today, we are sharing some FREE graphics for you to download. Post them to your social media, print them off to display around your home, or use however you choose as a reminder of God’s Word.
We believe the Bible to be the inspired, the only infallible, authoritative Word of God revealing the love of God to the world.
One of the lessons Franklin Graham learned from his mother, Ruth Bell Graham, at an early age was the importance of memorizing Scripture. “My mother always insisted that I memorize Scripture–and I’m glad she did,” says Graham. “She said that if we didn’t have the Word of God with us, we could always have it in our hearts.”
(Click on each image for full resolution.)
851px x 315px (Facebook cover image)
801px x 1281px (Smartphone)
600px x 900px (Pinterest / Instagram)