June 17, 2016
Categories: Downloads
Today, we are sharing some FREE graphics for you to download. Post them to your social media, print them off to display around your home, or use however you choose as a reminder of God’s Word.
In a Decision Magazine article, Pastor Rob Morgan stressed the importance of reviving the lost art of Scripture Memorization.
Colossians 3:2 tells us to set our minds on things above. Scripture memorization is a way of digging into the mind and planting the truth a little deeper in order to achieve a richer harvest. Prior generations memorized vast portions of God’s Word; we can memorize more than we think.
Restoring the art of Scripture memory is crucial for us and our churches and children. It’s vital for mental and emotional health and for spiritual wellbeing. Though it’s as easy as repeating words aloud, it’s as powerful as acorns dropping in the forest. It makes the Bible portable; you can take it with you everywhere without packing it in your purse or briefcase.
It makes Scripture accessible day and night. It allows God’s words to sink into your brain and permeate your subconscious and even your unconscious thoughts. It gives you a word to say to anyone, in season and out. It fills your heart and home with the best thoughts ever recorded. It saturates the personality, satiates the soul and stockpiles the mind. It changes the atmosphere of every family and alters the weather forecast of every day.
(Click on each image for full resolution.)
851px x 315px (Facebook cover image)
801px x 1281px (Smartphone)
600px x 900px (Pinterest / Instagram)