Cissie Graham Lynch Follows in Family Footsteps at Inaugural Prayer Service
January 23, 2017
Categories: Billy Graham, Franklin Graham
Categories: Billy Graham, Franklin Graham
On Saturday, January 21, Cissie Graham Lynch became the third generation in the Graham family to take part in National Prayer Service for the Presidential Inaugural, like her father, Franklin Graham, and grandfather, Billy Graham, before her.
“I’ve seen my grandfather do it. I’ve been there when my dad has spoken at the National Cathedral,” Cissie said. “I’m just honored, and I’ve told the Lord that if He opened up doors, I would go and proclaim the name of Jesus.”
Cissie shared a prayer for peace for our country.
In 1985, Rev. Billy Graham also shared a message of peace in his prayer for the second inauguration of President Ronald Reagan.
To say that we’re living in a critical moment in history is an understatement. Most of the people of the world are praying that God will bring an era of peace to our world. Today we face new challenges that previous generations never dreamed of. Some are unparalleled opportunities; some of these challenges, however, are unparalleled dangers which threaten the continued existence of civilization on this planet.
As you work to lead this nation to new heights of social justice, peace, and economic prosperity, you also have the opportunity to lead this nation to its greatest moral and spiritual heights. This is a tremendous opportunity and an awesome responsibility. Jesus once said, “Unto [whom] much is given, of him shall be much required” (Luke 12:48). Those who have the greatest power always need the greatest guidance.
It is my prayer that today will be the beginning of a new beginning spiritually, in which we will be a nation on our knees, depending on that same God. On this solemn occasion as a great nation goes forward under its chosen leaders, may all of us, private citizens and leaders alike, go in the strength and the wisdom and the courage which we can only receive from God.
In 2005, Rev. Franklin Graham’s prayer for President George W. Bush’s second term also included a prayer for peace.
Renew our vision, restore our faith, and rekindle our desire to love and to serve all humanity. May we never forget that one day we each will stand before You to give an account of what You have entrusted to us.
Our Father, we pray for our nation and our world. We thank You for those who have sacrificed their lives to give us our freedom and we pray for those who continue to serve our nation in places of great conflict and danger.
Above all, we join today with millions of others across this torn and confused world in praying for peace.