The Archive Collection

Charles Lindbergh Statue

September 8, 2016


In 1982, during a Crusade in Boise, Idaho, the Mountain Home Air Force Base presented Billy Graham with this bust of aviator Charles Lindbergh. The Charles Lindbergh bust is not currently on display, but was included in a 2015 special military display in The Journey of Faith.

Lindbergh was an American aviator who made the first solo nonstop flight across the Atlantic Ocean on May 20-21, 1927. Other pilots had crossed the Atlantic before him. But Lindbergh was the first person to do it alone nonstop. (source:

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During his time in Idaho, Billy Graham shared this message:

“Which road are you on: the narrow road that leads to eternal life or the broad road that leads to destruction? You have to make a choice. The Scripture says, ‘Choose this day whom you will serve’ (Joshua 24:15). Are you going to continue to be a fool in the sight of God or are you going to become another kind of fool, the Christ fool that the world will call a fool and call foolishness? Because when you come to Christ, there’s a price to pay and one of the prices you pay is being misunderstood by some members of your family, people in the community, people where you work or where you go to school.

You don’t have to pay for it, but you have to do three things. You must repent of your sins. That means you’re willing to change your way of life. You’re willing to change completely and put Christ first in your life from this moment on. Second, receive Him by faith into your heart. Faith means trust, total commitment. And then the third thing: you’re willing to obey Him. Study the Scriptures, pray and obey Him and do what He says, and be His follower no matter what the cost.”

Hear the full sermon. 

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