The Archive Collection


Carolina Panthers Helmet

Jerry Richardson, former NFL player and Carolina Panthers’ founder, gifted this autographed helmet to Billy Graham. The two have shared a friendship for forty years. In September of 1996, Billy …


The Graham Family Christmas

The 1969 Graham Family Christmas card, and the family’s 1976 brass Christmas ornament. The photo on the 1969 Graham family Christmas card was taken at the Grahams’ home in Montreat, …


Decision Card

This decision card documented the personal commitment to Christ that Billy Graham made 80 years ago on November 1, 1934, just days before his 16th birthday, at a Mordecai Ham …


Gang Members Who Came to Christ

These guns belonged to two gang members who came to Christ after hearing Billy Graham’s message at the 1957 New York Crusade. The men turned the guns in following the …


The Sawdust Cross

This framed cross was made from the sawdust on the floor of the tent during Billy Graham’s Los Angeles Crusade, held September through November 1949. That crusade pushed Graham into …


Graham Wedding Memorabilia

Ruth Bell Graham handmade her own dress, as well as her trousseau, for her August 13, 1943 wedding to Billy Graham. She filled this scrapbook with memorabilia from their wedding …

Billy Graham’s Korean War Issued Boots

Billy Graham wore these boots when he visited U.S. troops in Korea, Christmas 1952. They were issued to him by the military, given that temperatures in the region often dropped …


Billy Graham’s Pocket Index

A Pocket Index of Bible references, given to Billy Graham by his father, William Franklin Graham, Sr., on September 8, 1936, on the first day of classes at Bob Jones …


Engagement Ring and Telegram

In Just As I Am Billy Graham writes, “At the close of a preaching series at Sharon Presbyterian Church in Charlotte, those dear people gave me, as I recall, an …


The Navigators

Throughout the years, crusades began to grow larger and larger, and the number of people coming forward to receive Christ continually increased. In response, Billy Graham asked Dawson Trotman, who …