The Archive Collection

Vision 2020: Vision of Peace

August 2, 2020

Billy Graham prayed for peace, particularly during the strained relations between the United States and the Soviet Union during the Cold War. In 1982, Billy Graham attended a conference called the World Conference of Religious Workers for Saving the Sacred Gift of Life from Nuclear Catastrophe. Despite fears that this event would be used by the Russians to support their own propaganda, Billy attended and spoke on “The Christian Faith and Peace in a Nuclear Age.”

In his autobiography, Just As I Am, Billy describes the event:

“When I finally rose, I spoke from the Bible on peace. I stated frankly that although I was aware that many of them came from non-Christian backgrounds, I was speaking to them as a Christian, noting that everything I have ever been, or am, or ever hope to be in this life or the future life, I owe to Jesus Christ.”

This month’s archives feature is a writing folder from the conference, which contains a writing pad, envelopes, postcards, and a program from the event.

See more photos from the conference

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