The Journey of Faith | Scripture

May 31, 2020

In a 1996 interview Billy Graham was asked: “If you had to write your own legacy; if you had to summarize 50 years of ministry and your incredible life, how would you like it to be written?”

He responded, “That I was faithful to God and that I was faithful to the Scriptures which I believe have been inspired of God.”

Throughout his ministry Billy was often heard saying, “The Bible says”—not pointing people to what he said, but rather to what the Word of God says. When you walk through the Billy Graham Library you find yourself surrounded by God’s Word, as the Scripture is on display as a reminder of this truth: that God has spoken to us and we can find a roadmap to life’s troubles if we will only open our Bible.

Today we are sharing a new series with you. We will be taking a look at the Scriptures that are on display through The Journey of Faith at the Billy Graham Library. We hope they will be an encouragement and resource as Psalm 119:11 says, “I have stored up your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you.”

This first verse is found in the first exhibit guests come to in The Journey of Faith tour: The World Discovers Billy Graham, which recreation of the “Canvas Cathedral” in Los Angeles, where Billy Graham gained worldwide recognition.

“Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” John 14:6

Check back as we discover more Scripture through The Journey of Faith.


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