The Christmas Journey

November 8, 2021

Categories: Christmas, Events

Nichole Bohanan (pictured left) with her aunt. Nichole travels over 200 miles to volunteer at Christmas at the Library every year.

Many people travel to be with family during the Christmas season. However, for Nichole Bohanan of Seymour, Tennessee, it’s become a tradition to make the over 200 mile trek to faithfully volunteer at Christmas at the Library at the Billy Graham Library in Charlotte, North Carolina.  Nearly 10 years ago, she saw something online about the event and it piqued her interest, and she’s been a consistent presence ever since.  “I continue to volunteer because it is one way that I can serve the Lord (by serving and showing love to others),” said Bohanan.

“After the first time that I volunteered, I knew that it was something that I wanted to continue on an annual basis for as long as I could.  All of the BGEA employees and volunteers that I came in contact with that first time, coupled with the wonderful feeling of being a part of such a special event was what sold me on it,” said Bohanan.

Live animals are a part of the nativity at Christmas at the Library, including camels.

Bohanan volunteers, often portraying different roles in the live nativity. She’s been Mary and one of the shepherds. “The reverence of the live nativity is very impactful.  I am always filled with great emotion when volunteering in that capacity,” said Bohanan.  She loves when little children walk by the nativity and exclaim that they see baby Jesus.

Children love to stop by the live nativity.

Bohanan knows the impact volunteering at Christmas at the Library has made in her life. If you are thinking about volunteering, she would encourage you to give it a try.

The Library is a special place at Christmas-time. It’s a time to make new memories and remember the reason for the season — the birth of Jesus.

“There are really no words to describe the peace you feel at the Library.  No matter the number of times I visit, I always find myself saying, “Thank you Lord for another opportunity to be here.”  The staff and volunteers are so kind and helpful.  You can tell that they are serving with a heart for Jesus- that is truly genuine…It is a great way to serve the Lord by serving others.  You will no doubt be blessed, and also be a blessing in return to the visitors, as you serve with a loving and willing heart.”

Hundreds of volunteers are needed each season to make Christmas at the Library happen.

Would you consider volunteering and spreading Hope this Christmas season?

Volunteers age 16 or older who are available to serve two or more shifts are needed. The dates: Nov. 29 – Dec. 23rd.

Christmas Volunteer Positions Include:

  • Carriage Ride Assistant
  • Carriage Ride Photo Assistant
  • Live Nativity Scene Participant
  • Children’s Story Time
  • Bookstore Assistant
  • Dairy Bar Assistant
  • Christmas Dinner Greeter
  • Library Greeter

Training will be provided for all positions. You will also receive a volunteer shirt and discounts in the Library bookstore and dairy bar.

Please apply online at  Call 704-401-3200 for more information.

Deadline for applications is November 22.



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