Franklin, Will and Bessie’s Picks—July 2023

July 20, 2023

Each month, Franklin and Will Graham pick books based on its inspirational message, while Bessie picks a book for children to enjoy.

Franklin’s Pick: Bible Prophecy: The Essentials: Answers to Your Most Common Questions by Amir Tsarfati and Barry Stagner

In this age of uncertainty, Christians want and need more than ever before to understand what the Bible reveals about the future. As authors Amir Tsarfati and Barry Stagner teach on the end times, their question-and-answer sessions remain a massively popular part of their ministry, demonstrating people’s profound hunger to know more about the last days.

In Bible Prophecy: The Essentials, Amir and Barry team up to answer 70 of their most commonly asked questions. Through succinct, Scripture-focused teachings, Amir and Barry address seven foundational themes of Bible prophecy:

  • Israel
  • the church
  • the rapture
  • the tribulation
  • the millennium
  • the Great White Throne judgment
  • heaven

When studied with wisdom and discernment, God’s Word provides all you need to know about what is to come. User-friendly and organized by topic, Amir and Barry’s thoughtful and informative question-and-answer book will become your go-to resource as you prayerfully grow in your understanding of Bible prophecy.          

Will’s Pick: Unbroken: A World War II Story of Survival, Resilience, and Redemption by Laura Hillenbrand

On a May afternoon in 1943, an Army Air Forces bomber crashed into the Pacific Ocean and disappeared, leaving only a spray of debris and a slick of oil, gasoline, and blood. Then, on the ocean surface, a face appeared. It was that of a young lieutenant, the plane’s bombardier, who was struggling to a life raft and pulling himself aboard. So began one of the most extraordinary odysseys of the Second World War.

The lieutenant’s name was Louis Zamperini. In boyhood, he’d been a cunning and incorrigible delinquent, breaking into houses, brawling, and fleeing his home to ride the rails. As a teenager, he had channeled his defiance into running, discovering a prodigious talent that had carried him to the Berlin Olympics and within sight of the four-minute mile. But when war had come, the athlete had become an airman, embarking on a journey that led to his doomed flight, a tiny raft, and a drift into the unknown.

Ahead of Zamperini lay thousands of miles of open ocean, leaping sharks, a foundering raft, thirst and starvation, enemy aircraft, and, beyond, a trial even greater. Driven to the limits of endurance, Zamperini would answer desperation with ingenuity; suffering with hope, resolve, and humor; brutality with rebellion. His fate, whether triumph or tragedy, would be suspended on the fraying wire of his will.

In her long-awaited new book, Laura Hillenbrand writes with the same rich and vivid narrative voice she displayed in Seabiscuit. Telling an unforgettable story of a man’s journey into extremity, Unbroken is a testament to the resilience of the human mind, body, and spirit.

Bessie’s Pick: Courageous and Bold Bible Heroes: 50 True Stories of Daring Men and Women of God by Shirley Raye Redmond, Illustrated by Katya Longhi

This colorful book introduces children to 50 ordinary men and women who God gifted with extraordinary courage to accomplish incredible things.

Hannah kept a promise. Daniel remained faithful to God in difficult times. Peter repented. And Joseph of Arimathea was kind and generous. What do these and the other Bible heroes featured in this book have in common? They weren’t perfect, but they were courageous and bold, each in their own way.

Each short, easy-to-read chapter profiles a different Bible hero and shows how they exhibited bravery and overcame their own weakness and seemingly impossible challenges to achieve amazing things. This kind of epic courage can only be found when we place our faith in God.

As boys and girls read these captivating accounts, they will learn to love God more intentionally, and they will begin to believe that the Lord will equip them with courage when they need it the most.

Stop by Ruth’s Attic bookstore in the Billy Graham Library to purchase your copy of these featured books and more. Not in Charlotte? Call (704) 401-3242 or email to place your order. Orders can be shipped within the U.S. or curbside pickup is available in Charlotte, N.C., at the Billy Graham Library.

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