Q&A with the Summer 2023 Billy Graham Library Intern

July 27, 2023

Each summer, the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association and the Billy Graham Library welcome interns from around the U.S. as they embark on 10-weeks of working and learning to grow and develop professional skills at our headquarters, located in Charlotte, NC. Interns work directly alongside skilled Christian professionals who are experienced in the work of ministry with an organizational approach. Our interns learn to utilize ministry strategies and professional skills to advance current projects, all of which support the proclamation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ around the world.

This summer, Mandy, a rising junior from Biola University majoring in communication studies spent her internship working with the Billy Graham Library events team. Read about her experience at the Library.

Q: What do you think people your age could learn from the ministry of Billy Graham?

A: The ministry of Billy Graham is such an inspiration because it proves that God can use anyone to accomplish His purposes. As I’ve learned about Billy Graham’s ministry, I have personally been inspired to seek the Lord with a humble and willing heart and live a life of obedience to God. Billy Graham took every opportunity to share the Gospel and people my age can learn from his ministry that everyone needs to hear the Gospel. Even if it feels uncomfortable, sharing the Good News of Jesus is the kindest thing you can do for someone.

Q: Do you have a “Billy Graham story”?

A: During my internship this summer, I learned a lot about Billy Graham! One of my favorite quotes of his says, “God does not call us to be successful, but to be obedient.” Even if our choices don’t feel like disobedience, if we are doubtful or would rather follow our own path, it conveys distrust for the Lord’s plan. When God presents an opportunity to us, we are meant to prayerfully seek Him, asking Him if that is the direction He wants us to go. This is significant to me because I have learned to submit my plans to God and trust Him with full obedience, praying that my life be aligned with God’s will.

Q: After going through The Journey of Faith, what was the biggest takeaway or your favorite thing from the tour?

A: In The Journey of Faith, my favorite part is the “Footprints of a Pilgrim” room that describes Ruth Graham’s passion and commitment to Christ. One of my takeaways is seeing how her strong foundation guided her life and how she faithfully served her family, even in the absence of her husband. In the video where Billy Graham acknowledged Ruth as the strongest Christian he knew, I loved seeing how Ruth’s love and support deeply impacted Billy Graham’s ministry.

Q: What was your favorite experience from your internship?

A: Throughout my internship, my favorite experience was getting to plan an ice cream social for a full week to express our appreciation for the volunteers. I enjoyed the planning process of choosing decorations, having color-coded shopping lists of which ice cream and toppings to get, and overall, seeing the delight of the volunteers as they ate their ice cream. It was so sweet having the opportunity to plan this event to share our gratitude with the volunteers!

Q: What message would you have for people your age about Billy Graham and why they should visit the Billy Graham Library?

A: Just because Billy Graham passed away, does not mean the work he did is complete. At the Billy Graham Library, we have the opportunity to highlight how God used a simple man to share the Good News of Jesus and “make disciples of all nations” (Matt. 28:19). I want to invite everyone to visit the Billy Graham Library to experience this “ongoing crusade” and receive the powerful invitation of how Jesus can transform your life.

2023 Summer BGEA Interns

If you or someone you know is interested in the summer 2024 internship program at the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, visit: https://billygraham.org/about/careers/internship-program/.

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