Celebrating 75 Year of Gospel Ministry: Crusades

March 17, 2025

Categories: BGEA Ministry

The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (BGEA) is celebrating its 75th anniversary this year. In honor of the organization’s faithful service and evangelism efforts, we will look at the various aspects of the ministry that proclaim the Gospel.

Billy Graham’s Crusades typically took place in stadiums, arenas, parks—anywhere thousands of people could gather. The Crusades, which Mr. Graham often called “meetings” in his autobiography, included musical worship from George Beverly Shea and Cliff Barrows. Popular songs at Crusades included “Just As I Am,” “How Great Thou Art,” and “Because He Lives.”

A key part of each event was Billy Graham’s message from the Bible with practical application to people’s everyday lives, tying in relevant current events and news to help the audience better understand and apply the Word they were hearing.

After preaching, Billy Graham would extend an invitation—described by many as an altar call. In this invitation, he would present a clear path to salvation, which included repentance of sin, believing what Jesus Christ did on the cross, and surrendering to Him as Lord and Savior through prayer. After the invitation, counselors were available to speak with those who felt compelled to learn more.

Billy Graham’s Crusades took place all over the world and led to thousands of people trusting in Jesus for their salvation. The largest live audience at a Crusade reached over 1 million in Seoul, South Korea, in 1973. During his life, Billy Graham preached in person to more than 215 million people in 185 countries. While numbers were never the priority, they certainly indicate the hunger for the Gospel across the globe.

While Billy Graham’s earthly life and ministry has passed, his legacy of Crusades still continues 75 years later. Through his son, Franklin Graham, and grandson, Will Graham, evangelistic events take place today across the world in the form of Franklin Graham’s Festivals and Will Graham’s Celebrations. Both follow a similar format to Mr. Graham’s Crusades, including music and the simple Gospel message.

In addition, the Billy Graham Library is often referred to as an “ongoing Crusade,” as it tells the story of Billy Graham’s life and ministry while sharing the Gospel with all who enter.

“How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher?” —Romans 10:14

If you would like to learn more about what Jesus did for you on the cross, visit PeaceWithGod.net.

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