Billy Graham’s Final Pulpit

July 15, 2024

Billy Graham, New York Crusade, 2005

From the time Billy Graham was called to ministry to the day he died, he faithfully preached the Gospel of Jesus Christ all over the world. His passion and spirit-filled message did not waver, even as he continued to age. Still, it became challenging for him to stand while moving around and holding his Bible as he preached.

Despite his age and physical health, Billy Graham continued to preach the Gospel, with his final Crusades taking place in Kansas City, Missouri; Pasadena, California; and New York City.

Mr. Graham visited New York City many times throughout his ministry, holding a total of six Crusades in the city. He valued the area’s diversity and multi-culturalism, often having interpreters in many languages.

Almost 50 years after his first Crusade in New York City, Billy Graham returned to the city, this time in Flushing Meadows Corona Park in Queens, for what would be his final Crusade. The surrounding community encompassed over 100 languages and many world religions – just within a four-block radius. The population was reminiscent of Mr. Graham’s culturally diverse ministry over the decades.

Since his previous Crusade in New York City in 1991, Billy Graham’s health began to decline. From illness to injury, his body struggled to maintain the stamina required to passionately preach the same Gospel he had devoted his life to for years.

In 2004, when Mr. Graham was 85 years old, a preaching pulpit was crafted specifically for him, enabling him to preach in a standing or seated position as his body grew weaker. This pulpit is often referred to as “the final pulpit.” This pulpit would give Billy Graham the opportunity to preach the Gospel to hundreds of thousands in his final years of life.

In Exodus 17, a similar instance occurs. While the Israelites are in battle against the Amalekites, Moses intercedes for his people physically and spiritually. As he lifts his arms in prayer to God, the Israelites triumphed, but as he grew physically weak, his arms fell, and the Israelites struggled.

Exodus 17:12 (NKJV) says, “But Moses’ hands became heavy; so they took a stone and put it under him, and he sat on it. And Aaron and Hur supported his hands, one on one side, and the other on the other side; and his hands were steady until the going down of the sun.”

God recognized the faith of Moses, and as he grew weary, God provided the support he needed to continue in faithfulness to Him.

Just as God provided the means to strengthen Moses’ body for battle, He provided the means to sustain Mr. Graham’s body to preach. As a result, at his final Crusade in New York City, over 240,000 people heard the Gospel in just three days, with thousands coming to faith in Jesus Christ.

From the Old Testament to present day, God faithfully provides the means to carry out His ministry. For Billy Graham, God provided the “final pulpit” to sustain his body for the work He was going to do through him, even at the end of his public ministry.

Make plans to visit the SPECIAL EXHIBIT: “Platform for the Gospel.”

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