Billy Graham: Pastor to Presidents; Prayers for Our Nation

August 6, 2024

Categories: Billy Graham

In 1988, Billy Graham was invited to pray at both the Democratic and Republican National Conventions. He accepted both opportunities, using his time to appeal to the Lord on behalf of our nation and calling the nation to repentance and faith.

To follow are excerpts from both prayers:


We thank You for what You have given us as a nation and as a people. We thank You for all the ideals that made America great…

We’ve been guilty of bowing down to the false gods of materialism and sensual pleasure. We’re in danger of losing our souls. 

We pray for a moral and spiritual awakening that will sweep from coast to coast. May we seek above all else the Kingdom of God and this awakening could begin in this convention as we turn in repentance and faith to You… O God, forgive us and deliver us.


We thank You for the moral and spiritual heritage we have: as a nation. We thank You for all the ideals that have made America great. We thank You for the great freedoms we enjoy: the freedom to speak, to write, to worship, and to participate in the election of our leaders…

Oh, God, we are America, and we know how much our hearts need to be right with You. We pray for a moral and spiritual renewal that could begin in each of us tonight and spread throughout the land…

In the days to come, in a deep and wonderful way, Oh Lord, we pray that You would truly bless America, “The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace” (Numbers 6:24-26, NIV).

As we make our way through another election season, join us in praying as Billy Graham prayed more than 35 years ago: that we – personally and as a nation – would turn from our sin in repentance and seek His face.

Learn more about Billy Graham and his relationships with U.S. Presidents when you visit the Billy Graham Library. Plan your visit.

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