A New Start Each Day
January 2, 2017
Categories: Billy Graham, Devotional
Being filled with the Holy Spirit isn’t a once-for-all event, but a continuous reality every day of our lives. Is it for you?
Personally I find it helpful to begin each day by silently committing it to God (even before I get up), thanking Him that I belong to Him, and that He knows what the day holds for me. Then I ask Him to use me that day for His glory, and to cleanse me from every sin that might hinder this.
Then I step out in faith, believing His Spirit will fill me as I obey His Word and trust in Him. I won’t always be aware of His presence, but at the end of the day I know i’ll be able to look back and thank Him for being with me and guiding me. He promised to be with me that day—and He was.
This can be your experience also, as you yield your life daily to Christ’s Lordship. Give each day to Him, so that at its end you can look back and thank Him for being with you, as He promised.
from “God’s Love for You” by Billy Graham