Thank you for your interest in serving with the Christmas Volunteer Ministry of the Billy Graham Library. Christmas volunteers are an essential part of our Christmas at the Library event we hold each year. If you enjoy interacting with others and have a heart for ministering to people with the love of Jesus, we want to invite you to join us! Please complete and submit this form as soon as possible. Upon receipt of your application and required references, we will reach out to you via email with next steps.
The application deadline is November 15.
We require our Christmas volunteers to be at least 13 years of age. Thank you for your interest in our Christmas volunteer program.
Please rank your service preference. Please note that position descriptions are listed here. We will attempt to place you in the area of your preference; however, we appreciate your flexibility in allowing us to place you in the area of our greatest need.
We ask that you serve a minimum of two (2) times.
Shifts are from 5 PM until 9:30 PM, Mon-Thurs and 5 PM until 10:30 PM Fri & Sat.
The Library is closed on Sundays.
Upon acceptance, we will reach out to you via email with next steps, including dates you are available to serve and volunteer service areas. There are many positions that need to be filled each evening – some positions are indoor, others are outdoor. We will do our best to accommodate you. Your flexibility is appreciated. Training will be provided the nights you serve.
A long-sleeved, Christmas at the Library volunteer shirt will be provided.