Wit & Wisdom – The Love of Dogs
June 18, 2014
Categories: Billy Graham, Ruth Bell Graham, Wit & Wisdom
Categories: Billy Graham, Ruth Bell Graham, Wit & Wisdom
The Graham family were always dog lovers and had a long succession of family pets. Both Billy and Ruth used the training and obedience of dogs to illustrate behavior in the home.
By Ruth Bell Graham
Every parent should read at least one good book on dog training. Odd how, in a day when children are notoriously disobedient, dog training and obedience classes are increasing in popularity. Basically the rules are simple.
It is a fine kettle of fish when our dogs are better trained than our children.
From It’s My Turn by Ruth Bell Graham (1982, Fleming H. Revell Co.)
By Billy Graham
Dogs are quick to show their affection. They never pout, they never bear a grudge. They never run away from home when mistreated. They never complain about their food. They never gripe about the way the house is kept. They are chivalrous and courageous, ready to protect their mistress at the risk of their lives. They love children, and no matter how noisy and boisterous they are, the dog loves every minute of it. In fact, a dog is stiff competition for a husband. Perhaps if we husbands imitated a few of our dog’s virtues, life with our family might be more amiable.
Printed in the Atlanta Daily World, May 14, 1988