Through the Foot of the Cross

June 6, 2014

Seven years ago, the Billy Graham Library opened to the public. Over 840,000 people have entered through the foot of the 40 foot cross at its entrance since that day. 

“It is my prayer that every person who comes through the door will hear and understand that Jesus Christ died for their sins.”

Franklin Graham had these words to say at the opening of the Library in 2007:

This Library is not about Billy Graham, but it’s about the message that Billy Graham has preached for the last 60 plus years. And that is the message of the cross. If you look at the Library, what you see is the cross. My father’s name is not on the building, but the cross. The only way that you can come into the Library is through the foot of the cross. And as you go through the Library, over and over again it’s the message of the cross and . . . God’s love for us. Jesus Christ, whom he gave, God’s Son, for this world.

The Library is about a man who took God’s Gospel . . . to the ends of the earth. This Library is about the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It is my prayer that every person who comes through the door will hear and understand that Jesus Christ died for their sins. And long after my father and mother are in heaven, people are going to come to know the Lord Jesus Christ because of the message they hear inside those doors. 

BGL opening BGL opening PDS_4151

Many members of the Graham family were joined by longtime team-members –Cliff Barrows and George Beverly Shea – along with Former Presidents Carter, Clinton and George H.W. Bush, and other family friends and dignitaries.

Today, the Library welcomes tens of thousands of people from across the U.S. and around the world each year as they hear the Gospel proclaimed through multimedia displays, memorabilia and special events which all point to the story of how God used a farm-boy from Charlotte, N.C. to preach the Good News of Jesus Christ to the world.

For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” John 3:16

Come to the foot of the cross.

We hope that you will join us this Saturday, June 7, at the Billy Graham Library as we celebrate seven years of sharing the Gospel in this place. To mark the occasion on Saturday, visitors to the Library can help us celebrate with a complimentary piece of cake.

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