The Billy Graham Library hosted an event for law enforcement officers on Aug. 14 in Charlotte, North Carolina.
Kevin Williams, part of the Billy Graham Rapid Response Team and a former corrections officer, was the keynote speaker for the Law Enforcement Appreciation Breakfast and Tour held at the Billy Graham Library. Williams spent 18 years as a corrections officer in one of New Jersey’s toughest prisons.
Law enforcement officials enjoy food and fellowship prior to the start of the appreciation breakfast held in their honor.
Law enforcement officials check in for breakfast.
Jack Munday, international director of the Billy Graham Rapid Response Team, shares what his team has been doing and encourages officers to make plans to attend November’s National Law Enforcement Retreat in Asheville, North Carolina.
Kevin Williams, part of the Billy Graham Rapid Response Team, chats with police officers after the breakfast.
Law enforcement officials took The Journey of Faith tour, a walk through history that highlights how God used a farm boy from North Carolina to become “Evangelist to the World.”
Law enforcement officers, their guests and chaplains joined hands to pray to start the appreciation breakfast held Aug. 14 at the Billy Graham Library.
Officers listen to Kevin Williams speak during the Aug. 14 Law Enforcement Appreciation Breakfast at the Billy Graham Library.
Pins reminding officers to put on the armor of God (Ephesians 6:13-17) were handed out as gifts to the officers in attendance.
Law enforcement officials on The Journey of Faith tour.